Monk standing in the sun.

Peacock in a Mausoleum

The Hollywood Forever cemetery became a really magical respite from reality during the pandemic. For a period of time it was a lesser known destination for walking your dog, and one where you could do it off leash. It is possible that I might be responsible for the reason why you can’t do that anymore. The first reason being when I discovered my dog, Shecky likes to chase peacocks. He chased a band of them into flight! (Now I know Shecky is triggered by skateboards, motorcycles, squirrels and peacocks.) The second and perhaps last straw was what I believe happens when in an enclosed area and not paying close attention. Shecky, before I could stop him, peed on someone's grave, and the groundskeeper witnessed it. That said, there are a lot of exotic and wild animals running amuck in the cemetery and this peacock is clearly one of them. I loved catching this guy in a mausoleum before he shit all over the floor. A captured moment of grace before shit hit the marble floor!